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Registered doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine /
Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner/
Registered Acupuncturist with 11 years as a practicing acupuncturist in Canada.
Dr. Julie Rao has been engaged in TCM clinical medicine for years. She has been diving into applying TCM theories to clinical practice
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Dr. Julie Rao
Dr. Julie Rao…See MoreLike · Reply · 26w · Edited
Albert Sze Wei TanDr. Julie Rao 6047109668 wechat
Dr. Julie Rao
Doctor of TCM
Dr. Julie Rao has been engaged in TCM clinical medicine for years. She has been diving into applying TCM theories to clinical practice. Many diseases and chronic pains can be cured with her unique painless acupuncture treatment and advice on the usage of herbs. She is also good at helping people who have sub-health issues to enhance their immunity and bring them back to be healthy, fit and energetic again. We recommend you to try her amazing weight loss and cosmetic acupuncture treatments.
We proudly to have Julie here helping pat…See MoreLike ·…
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